Two specific email lists exist which will have information about tango events and classes in the general Ashland area:
(1) The Ashland Tango Email List: This is a Google Group list specifically designated only for the Ashland area. For security purposes, everyone who wants to join has to put themselves on it and only they can remove themselves from the list.
- To get on this list, send a blank email to:
- You will then be sent a confirming email from Google, asking you to choose your setting, After choosing, click on save these settings, and you’re done!
- If you have questions or concerns about this list, please contact Nathan Bank at
(2) TangoClay’s Email List: This list is organized by Clay and was created for the purpose of disseminating information about all aspects of Clay’s tango endeavors–festivals, classes, special projects, etc.
- To join, click on TangoClay’s Email List
- When joining, you will be given the option to specify whether you want to receive all general emails, or specifically only those relating to Ashland or Portland.
- Note, this list will never be sold, shared nor given away. Also, you can change your profile (name, address, preferences etc) or leave the group at any time by simply clicking on appropriate buttons that appear at the bottom of each email or on the link above.