Feel free to copy, use, distribute and/or contribute to any of these posts. If you have a suggestion for a topic, let me know. (Just click the Contact link above.)
- 2014 Report: Attributes and Preference in Tango
- A Brief History of Portland Tango
- A Hundred and One Reasons to Quit Tango
- Argentine Instructors
- Best Time for a Milonga
- Bitten by Tango
- Building a Tango Community
- Clay’s Festivals
- Clay’s Picks of Software Apps
- Clay’s Tango Match
- Close Embrace vs Open Embrace for Absolute Beginners
- Competition Tango
- Dreaming of Nirvana
- Follower’s Rant
- Four Essential Components for Beginning Tangueros
- Free Tango Ads
- Gender Balance
- Getting Danced More
- How Smooth is your Tango Walk?
- Instructors and DJ’s I’ve hired for past festivals.
- Leader’s Rant
- Life Lessons from Tango
- Local Tango Coordinating Organizations
- Navigation and Etiquette Survey
- New Tango Music
- On Sharing Playlists
- Organizers, Instructors, DJs & Orchestras Data Base
- Passion, Obsession or Addiction?
- Pin Buttons
- Portable Dance Floors
- Preferred Political Party of Tangueros
- Preferred Political Party: Part 2
- Recommend your Favorite Instructors
- Sharks, creeps & gropers and how to deal with them
- Six Reasons You Should not Dance Close Embrace
- Tango after Covid?!
- Tango Bumper Stickers
- Tango Desire Stickers
- Tango Etiquette
- Tango in the time of Covid–your story!
- Tango Orchestras
- Tango Poetry
- Tango Polls
- Tangonero
- Temporary Tango Teaching Positions
- The 8-Count Basic
- Three Types of “Close” Embrace
- Top 10 Navigation and Etiquette Rules
- Use It or Lose It: Dancing Makes You Smarter
- ValenTango Reminiscing
- Virtual List
- What Level Tango Dancer Am I?
- Where in the Tango World are we?
- Who’s Teaching?
- Why I Quit Tango (a survey)
- World Wide Tango
- Your turn to be heard!