Due to the pandemic, for the first time in over 20 years, ValenTango will not be held. Saying this puts me in a kind of contemplative mood. Maybe it does you too. So I’ve created this blog for all of you would like to reminisce a bit about your experiences and what ValenTango has meant to you over the years. Just respond below.
(And, BTW, we do hope to resume in 2022. Click here for the website: ValenTango 2022.)
Hi Clay,
I was just thinking about Valentango and glad you put this together to share my thoughts.
Last year when I attended, I remember coming home and thinking that it was the BEST tango festival that I have ever been too. I danced with great male leads and there were so many dances that I could attend…all day and all night. The Valentango community is so warm and inviting.
I want to thank you for all the hard work that you put into this event. Even though we won’t be there this Valentines, I am looking forward to next year. Please let us all know how we can help you continue this amazing tradition. Where do I buy a mask that says Valentango 2022?
All my love,
Marcia Miller
Thanks for your kind thoughts about Valentango and I love your idea of a ValenTango 2022 mask.
Valentango 2008 was the first big festival I ever worked for, in my first tour in the USA. I was so nervous and excited! I remember entering the floor to perform at the Norse Hall with my legs shaking, and leaving 3 minutes later with the a sense of happiness bubbling all over my body. It felt like I had passed the biggest test of my career.
Since then, Portland and its beautiful festivals became home away from home for me. I made my best tango friends there, I’d say I was adopted by this amazing family PDX tango is, and I’m so proud of it!
The pandemic prevented me from traveling overseas in 2020, and God knows if I’ll make it in 2021. But I’ve made myself this promise: the day this is all over and we’re allowed to travel freely, Portland is the first place I’ll go to. I sure hope that means I’ll get to dance and enjoy in one of Clay’s festivals too.
Thank you so much for organizing ValenTango, and giving our tango community nice opportunity to get together. Wonderful teachers, orchestras, DJs. Definitely one of my favorite events. Hope to be back.
I attended Valentango many years ago and had the most wonderful experience. I took workshops with some of the top tango instructors on the planet, and had some memorable tandas. I hope Valentango will be around for many years to come. Thank you Clay and team for all the work and passion you put into organizing this event. We’ll all dance again and, when that happens, I’ll be back to Valentango!