Below is a list of basic Argentine tango concepts. Each item links to a post with an embedded video demonstrating the concept. If, after viewing the video, you have a comment or suggestion for other video on the same topic, please share with us by leaving a reply with a link to the video or videos you like. If there’s some other basic instructional video you like that doesn’t fit under one of these categories, please click on Other and provide us with the name and link in the Reply section.
Here’s just a few of my favorites. Please add your own with a link in the Reply section below. (Another nice source is at
Please add your own favorites (with link) in a Reply below.
Do you have a video on the basic technique of walking forward and backwards for the lead and follow.?
I do have an absolute beginner’s video which includes walking. If you are not on my email list, sign up below and you will receive a link to it. If you are already a member write me an email at and I’ll send you the link again..clay