I’ve seen very few on milonga. This one shows very simple steps, but put together with musicality, it becomes a great dance!
Milonga basic rythym & phrasing by Homer and Cristina Ladas
It’s really a tango class demo and not the actual teaching instructions. Limitations on its use are posted on the video. It’s a demo that enables someone like me to practice the idea on my own, so that I can lead a milonga, simply and musically.
I’ve seen very few on milonga. This one shows very simple steps, but put together with musicality, it becomes a great dance!
Milonga basic rythym & phrasing by Homer and Cristina Ladas
It’s really a tango class demo and not the actual teaching instructions. Limitations on its use are posted on the video. It’s a demo that enables someone like me to practice the idea on my own, so that I can lead a milonga, simply and musically.